Social Marketing is a low cost and effective way to market your organization, business or yourself. You can:

1. Publicize your business
2. Promote your organization
3. Write your family history
4. Publish the great American novel
5. Tell the world about anything

----------For FREE!! Free is Good

We will discuss the use of social marketing with the goal of learning how we do it for Sarasota Sister Cities and how you could use it for your business, organization, or family. I do the same process for the Military Officers of America Sarasota Chapter and my profession

Mayor Golan of Tel Mond, Israel and Mayor Shaw

Our Sarasota Sister City Sites:





There are many different ways to use the internet and social
marketing to promote your business and organization. The following is one way.

If you want to use social media for your business, organization, or family, start with Facebook.  This is the most widespread social media system with over 1.7 billion users in 2016. It is relatively easy to use and your children or grandchildren can help you set it up. Go to and follow the instructions. You can use your name, or your business name. Sister Cities uses If you are a Facebook user please friend our page - we want a large number of people posting and interacting.


We use blogs for Sarasota Sister Cities. This works very well for spreading the word and posting photos. A Blog is short for Weblog and it functions as a simple and free web site. You try to make your blog interesting to your intended reader. You can just have entries originated by you, but it will probably be more interesting if you add content from other similar web sites. It takes a little time to figure how to do it, but essentially you are linking other similar web sites, blogs, twitter, facebook, linkedin and other sites to your blog. As they write new content it appears on your site.

Sarasota Sister Cities has an aggressive program of social networking. We use the internet to get out the word and to try to improve communication among our members and other interested citizens.

Our Web Site and Blog spread the good word. We first write what is happening on the blog. The Web site automatically picks up the latest 5 posts from the blog. Our Web site is maintained by a consultant, while we maintain our blogs. The Web site is seldom changed, while new events are posted to the top of the blog frequently. Our Sarasota Sister City Sites:



Pinterest provides a great pictoral history of the organization. Tom Halbert and Gayle Maxey have posted a great deal of information and photos on the site.

Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are all designed to get people to interact. We post a short message on each system with a link back to the blog. You have to sign up for these programs - this is free and simple. You will want go to our pages and like or friend or link to them. Then you will see what we post and everyone will see what you post. Over time we hope to get a number of people interacting on these systems.


We have a blog for each on of our Sister Cities. The addresses are below. We are always looking for content for these sites so if you have photos or stories about our Sister Cities, please email them to us and we will post them.

* I wrote this in 2016.  Today I would add a and an account.

And for teachers / Lecturers you may wish to use a Vlog instead of a Blog. Same thing, but using a Video as your blog post. Your lecture, or an informative video about something - Whales, marine life, ecology, a city. Example - Not that there are seven different ways to view the vlog - at the top left.


Sarasota Sister Cities Delegation in Russia 2014

Sarasota Residents Spreading The Good Word