
Blog Examples:

First step for you?

Create your Blog. For blogging I prefer which is free and part of but there are numerous other free and low cost services. is another free excellent blogging site. You can get up and be blogging in a few minutes, although it will take some time to learn the tricks and make it look the way you like it.

If you want to set up a blog using Blogger, create a gmail address. Go to You can use your own name, or if you are going to publish a blog for your business or organization, you can use that name.

Video on how to blog

Blogger is part of google. You create a new email address when you sign up with blogger. It should be be the same basic address as your blog. Go ahead and start your blog. Work with it for a while and learn as you go. Don't get frustrated - every time you try something new it takes time to learn.

I always use the Million Monkey Method. This method states that if you have enough monkeys typing for a very long time they will manage to write a great novel. Just keep trying to master the program like the Million Monkey's, and you will figure it out.

Use the same address for all your systems if possible - makes it easier for people to remember.

There are many different looks that you can use with your blog. A few examples below:

Have Fun

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